Oil Paintings Commissioned Work Oil Restoration
About Me
I have been naturally inclined towards art for as long as I can remember. I am well-versed in any mediums, but found my love for oils since first I touched my brush to canvas nearly 15 years ago. Since then I have branched off from original works to commissioned portraits and to oil painting restoration. An unusual avenue for many artists, I came upon this opportunity when my Grandfather came to me with one of his own father's, my Great Granfather's pieces. Hesitant at first to do what many artists are unwilling, lay a brush upon another artist's work, I was well rewarded when I returned the piece and saw his eyes light up. He was shocked to see the colors more vibrant than he had seen them in many years. There are many paintings out there that have fallen victim to the effects of time, transfer, and generally inadequate environments.
This avenue of art has also lent me other pleasures and opportunities- it is not often that an artist is given the opportunity to get as up close and personal with another's skills and techniques, and each encounter gives me the chance to adapt, explore, and evolve in ways that any number of hours in a museum would not have allowed.
My general inclination is towards realism, but I have found much inspiration in seeing the skill in which other artist use color, texture, and perspective to create masterful pieces.